Playful and Fun Life Coaching

Sometimes you’re lucky enough to not have to deal with any deep seeded tragedies or mental health issues, but still life isn’t wholly fulfilling. Sometimes you’ve taken it far too seriously and you need to learn to let go and just have a darn good time. If you find yourself standing in the corner while everyone else is on the dance floor, refusing to participate in any sort of game ever, or never taking a vacation, this is where fun coaching can come into play (Literally!).

Oh I get why it’s hard to let go and have a blast. We’re constantly bombarded with messages that life is at best, serious, hard work and at worst, something to bear until we move on from this world. Lies! All of it. But I refuse to buy into it and you should too. There’s so much beauty to explore in this world and play is the best way to do that and give reverence to this life.  

The benefits of play are well documented: decreased stress along with increased physical development and health, mental well-being, brain development, social connection, confidence, creativity, and development of life skills. We learn and grow best through play. Even as adults.

How do I know this?

In addition to being an LCSW, I've also been dubbed the “Master of Fun.” Aside from just knowing how to have a good time, I quite literally earned an M.S. degree in Recreation Administration with a concentration in Therapeutic and Outdoor Recreation, aka how to use play to promote overall health and wellbeing.


How It Works:

Session 1: Completion of a leisure assessment to determine where you’re at currently and explore what having more fun in your life would look like to you.

Session 2: Identification of what’s getting in the way of your fun and what might help in moving forward.

Session 3: Development of a plan of action to get from where you are currently to your ideal level of a good time.

Session 4+: Execution of plan with desired amount of support.


Examples of Coaching Tools and Support:

  • Weekly check-ins and/or sessions

  • Examination of mental blocks and challenging them in order to create believable affirmations

  • Fun "homework"

  • Adventures with coach (e.g., playing games, creating art, going to a park or museum)

If you’re ready to learn even more about what career coaching can do to help, click the button below for a free 15-minute consultation.