
On Taking Breaks

It’s been a minute, huh?

These last few months took quite a bit out of me. So I went into Internet hibernation. For the most part.

Initially I thought I had a pretty good handle on this here pandemic. As much as anyone possibly can.

On Fear During the Coronavirus

Oh man, fear can be a beast! It can get right on in there, take over, and control everything. If we let it.

Fear is our most primal emotion. Absolutely necessary for survival. Yet, we live in a time when there’s actually the least amount of threat to our survival in history. Still we experience the highest levels of fear and stress.

Mindful Monday: Urge Surfing

We all have urges. To say things. To do things. To eat chocolate. Or cheese. Or broccoli. To have a glass of wine. Or La Croix. To jump off or on things. To pet a dog. To have sex. To smell flowers. To scream at someone who’s pissed us off. To throw up the middle finger in LA traffic…

Mindful Monday: Progressive Muscle Relaxation

I’ve been a bit tense this week. Maybe a lot tense. I think many of us have been. There’s been a lot going on. More than I’m currently prepared to tackle in one little written article. Which can lead to also feeling helpless.

On Transformation

Or metamorphosis.

Last week, while out gardening, I found a monarch butterfly chrysalis. This beautiful light green and gold accented shell hung inside an empty container in the midst of its transformation. Being the nature geek that I am, I did a happy dance. I’d never seen one out in the wild (The wild being an urban backyard.).

Gratitude is an Attitude

I know Thanksgiving is over (and that it can be a controversial holiday), but I’m still thinking about gratitude (Also, please excuse the cheesy title. My inner Dr. Suess loves rhyming.).

Gratitude isn’t something I only think about during the giving of thanks. It’s often on my mind because I know it’s a good thing.

How I Deal With the Suck

Awhile ago I wrote an article “How I Deal With People Who Suck.” At the same time I started an article entitled “How I Deal With the Suck.” When I say started, I mean that phrase is all I wrote. I thought after the last week and a half in my part of the world, it might be a good time to write the rest of it.

The Importance of Breathing Earnestly

“Just breathe” is more than the refrain in the Anna Nalick song “Breathe (2AM).” Don’t worry if you don’t know the reference. I’ve had this hook stuck in my head for years and still had to Google who sang it.

“Just breathe” is probably the advice I most frequently give when someone is freaking out. And it’s definitely the advice I take most often when I’m freaking out.

Mindful Eating

I love to eat. I mean, really love to eat. I enjoy food in all its glory, the taste of a good meal, the energy it provides, the comfort at times. Often I find myself utterly disappointed that I’m not a foot taller so I can eat more. Yet the truth is I’m a low five footer and even though I can eat as much as my much taller comrades I shouldn’t.

How to Halloween Hard as a Grownup

Grownups have a really hard time letting their hair down.

It can seem dang near impossible to put responsibility on hold for a minute and fully enjoy life. To simply be silly and do something only for the sake of wanting to do it.

Yet too much time spent all knotted up with serious face will lead to anxiety and depression.

I see Halloween as the perfect opportunity to combat that. To play pretend, step outside your comfort zone, and let your freak flag fly.