mental health

How Mindfulness Helps

Now you’re at the part of your mindfulness journey where you get that it means being fully in the present moment (If you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, check this article out first before continuing.). But now you might be wondering, well, that sounds all fine and dandy, but why spend the time trying to do that?

On Fun Things to Do When Stuck at Home

Fun things to do while sheltering in place and social distancing during this coronavirus crisis.

On Fear During the Coronavirus

Oh man, fear can be a beast! It can get right on in there, take over, and control everything. If we let it.

Fear is our most primal emotion. Absolutely necessary for survival. Yet, we live in a time when there’s actually the least amount of threat to our survival in history. Still we experience the highest levels of fear and stress.

How to Halloween Hard as a Grownup

Grownups have a really hard time letting their hair down.

It can seem dang near impossible to put responsibility on hold for a minute and fully enjoy life. To simply be silly and do something only for the sake of wanting to do it.

Yet too much time spent all knotted up with serious face will lead to anxiety and depression.

I see Halloween as the perfect opportunity to combat that. To play pretend, step outside your comfort zone, and let your freak flag fly.

5 Ways to Bring the Outdoors Indoors

I’m a firm believer that one of the absolute best things you can do for your health overall is to get outside. But what if you can’t get outside? Or you can’t get out there as often as you’d like? Due to an injury or illness you may be confined to bed rest. Or you work long hours indoors. What do you do then? Here are 5 ways to bring the outdoors indoors:

The Healing Power of Nature

There are many things in this world that are out of our control. Natural disasters, death, breakups, loss of a job to name some of the big ones. This can be a very difficult concept to accept and so we often fight against what is, which creates suffering.